Moon Village

Moon Village

We know “it takes a village”… but where is the village?! 😰

Our current cultural paradigm has privatized parenting — and it’s wearing us down.

If you want the village but don’t where to begin: Moon Village is a starting place for that village to take root. 

At the core, a village requires relationship.

We’re fostering that relationship through:

  • Showing up for the in-person Moon School gatherings — attending these creates real-time opportunities to connect and be with each other inside of our parenting

  • Checking in with the Moon Village chat — this online space connects us in-between gatherings and opens up a space for resource sharing and providing support

Some examples of things that may be shared in the Moon Village chat space:

  • “I need someone to give me / my child a ride on XX date. Is anyone available?”

  • “We are going through a hard time / grieving / navigating a health challenge (etc) and could use some support with meals next week. LMK if you’re able to help?”

  • “I have a bunch of extra toddler clothes (size 2) - happy to drop off or you can pick up at my house.”

  • “Does anyone want to join us for a family hike at Chattaqua this weekend?”

  • “Do you have a therapist / doctor / practitioner / coach that you recommend for ____?” 

You get the gist!

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs.