What’s the cost to participate?

For this first year, Moon School will operate completely on a Gift Economy.

To quote Robin Wall Kimmerer:

“Gratitude and reciprocity are the currency of a gift economy, and they have the remarkable property of multiplying with every exchange, their energy concentrating as they pass from hand to hand, a truly renewable resource. I accept the gift from the bush and then spread that gift with a dish of berries to my neighbor, who makes a pie to share with his friend, who feels so wealthy in food and friendship that he volunteers at the food pantry. You know how it goes.”

This is an experiment, so we will learn and adapt as we go, and may add alternative forms of exchange and resourcing in the future.

Do I have to attend every session?

Attendance is not a requirement — but the collective experience is shaped by your participation.

When you show up, you’re shaping what we’re all learning.

When you show up, you’re investing in your relationships with the other moon school families.

Our hope is that each family can show up for 75-85% of the gatherings (that’s ~20 of 25 gatherings)

What if I miss a gathering?

We will share an email to all of our families before/after each gathering so you can replicate some of we did together on your own at home.

We encourage you to make these gatherings as much of your family rhythm as possible, so we can deepen relationships with one another and all receive the magic that coming together in a group provides.

Is food provided?

There will be snacks provided at each gathering.

We can rotate who provides the snack via sign-up form ahead of time.

Snacks will focus on: whole foods and refrain from refined sugars.

Is it required that I host in order to participate?

Not at all!

There are a number of ways you can contribute to Moon School without hosting at your home. We will meet fairly consistently at the same place to start so we can establish the foundation and get into the rhythm easily. There may be opportunities to host in the future if this is of interest to you.

Who can attend Moon School?

Moon School is for the whole family — meaning, we want to see dads, grandparents, aunties and uncles, children of all ages — not just mamas and young babes (but that’s ok, too!)

We emphasis full family inclusivity because we’ve experienced many spaces where it felt like it was just for moms — but this is not the case here. Even though moon gathering has long been associated with female spaces, we believe people of all genders can receive the benefits from tuning into lunar time.

Why the moon?

Cycling with the moon gives us a different “clock” to live by.

In our current cultural context, there’s an emphasis on 24 hour cycles and a 7-day week (with a 5-day workweek within this). In the digital age, we’ve become accustomed to things happening really quickly (aka “replying immedietaly” or wanting “immediate results”.) Isn’t that all exhausting?

From our experience, following the rhymthm of the moon slows things down AND still keeps a pulsing tempo of life moving in a waxing and waning rhythm.

We want to keep experimenting with this hypothesis, so tune in with us and see what you discover!

Is Moon School a religious experience?

We are not affiliated with any religions and families of all spiritual and religious backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged.

You may experience spiritual aspects through this experience — through intention setting, your version of prayer — but for us, this is simply a product of (1) coming together in community to ask for/receive support (2) practicing a surrendering to something greater than ourselves (whatever you may call that “something greater”; which the Moon and her cycles can remind us of.

We encourage you to discover on this journey what spirituality looks like for you while also remaining open to what it looks like for others in our group.

Got other questions? Shoot us an email! We’d love to hear from you.